Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goin' To Town!!

Hey :)
I am going to enter this photo in a different contest... sorry... lol! Pretty cute though right? I have awesome sisters!



  1. How adorable! Thanks for linking up, Becca!

  2. Hey,
    I was just wanting to ask you a quick question.
    How hard is English Country Dancing? The reason I'm asking you this is that a lady from your church is a qualified dance teacher, and she and her husband have organised an English COuntry Dancing night in a town near us. I've NEVER had the opportunity to learn to dance, and so am really looking forward to this. And I had no idea if it's hard or not. I would appreciate it if you could hep me out here. THanks
    And I LOVE your blog! It's great!

    1. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the third line of my above comment I accidentally wrote 'from YOUR church'! I did mean to write 'from OUR church' instead! SOOOOOOO SOOORRRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

    2. Don't worry about it! :P :) English Country Dancing varies in it's shall I say, "Hardness?"... Most of the dances are really easy though, and if it is like our dancing, then they tell you how to do the dance throughout the whole dance so that you don't forget the steps... I like it a lot, and people will help you if you mess up! (If you want a detailed explanation, email me at ) Hope that helped! :)


      (and I really enjoyed answering your question!) :D

    3. Thanks so much Becca!!!! I really appreciate your answering my question! The lady who teaches has her own site, along with a few video clips of her teaching others to dance, and yes, she tells you exactly what to do as you go through the dance. She used to teach in New Zealand, but has recently married and moved here to Tasmania, Australia, and so is teaching here. I SO cannot wait for the dance, and everyone goes in costume too! Which will be SOOOOOO much fun! Anyway, thanks SOOOOOO much for the answer, it was very helpful. Oh, and you can visit her site if you like, at:

      www(dot)ecdnz(dot)weebly(dot) com

      I did the punctuation in parentheses as blogger won't allow me to write the address not using them.

      Thanks again,

      Jemimah. (And as soon as I get a google account I'll probably follow your blog!)

    4. Ugghhh... You live in Australia?!? Lucky! I love the US and would never move, but visiting Australia is definitely on my "bucket list"!!!!! :) I will visit the site and check it out!! You will have to tell me what you think if you do the dancing! I'll bet you will like it! :) We have a ball every couple months where everyone dresses up and we stay dancing 'till midnight! Really fun!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!!!! :)


    5. Yeah, I live in good old Australia!!!! And a visit to the United States is on my bucket list! I'll be sure to let you know about the dancing!
      And believe me, we aussie's are not all corked hats and 'howdy mate', as most people out of Australia
      think! Bondi Beach, Sydney Opera House, and so on are only a few of the things that bring people to Australia. THough I must say that I am no more than a tourist myself when I go there, as I live in the 'spot down under', otherwise known as Tasmania. And I rarely go up to the mainland, so I'm not so acquainted with it, as I am in tassie. (Did that make sense or not?)

    6. Yeah that totally made sense! :) That is awesome!! :) I actually visited Australia when I was 2 years old, but I don't really remember it, so that is why it is on my bucket list! :) I went to the Sydney Opera House... The pictures are cool, anyways! =P The US is great!! :) I love it! :) Hope you can visit sometime!

    7. Yeah, the Sydney Opera House IS great, I've been there so many times!
      OK, this may sound like a crazy question, but what's it like in the US? I would love to visit one day, but its SO expensive to fly over! Australia's great too. Depending where you are, it can be stinking hot in some places, and freezing in others! But yeah, where I live in Tassie, it never gets over 35 degrees Celsius in summer, and about -5 in winter. ( That would be about 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, and about 23 degrees Fahrenheit in winter.) So we never get really warm, or really cold.)
      Wow, I can't believe that we've gone over these topics starting from ONE question about English Country Dancing! I kind of feel that I know you already! Depending what you think, maybe we could email or something like that. Just a rough idea though. Oh, and by the way, I'm getting a blog sometime next month, and was wondering if you'd like an invite for it. (It is going to be a private one.) If you could let me know what you think that would be great!
      Bye for now. (I daresay we shall 'write' again!)
      Btw, I'm actually really enjoying this, commenting to each other. It's really fun. (OF course, you may not think so, but that's my opinion!)

    8. That is so cool! What's it like in the US... hmm.... let's see... :) I live in Texas... so... you could say I am very Texas oriented! There are a lot of differences between the different states... so I will just talk Texas! :) If you visit the US... VISIT TEXAS!!! =D You will not be sorry! Very sunny here... and very hot!!! There are a lot of trees around where I live. I think one of the main things the South focuses on is food, trucks, and more food! :P It never snowed last year, but the year before that, we got an entire foot of snow! You can never be sure of the weather... :) The Texas that I have seen is very family oriented! :) I love that. Country music, and the country are some of the best things about Texas! We have a Texas State Fair here... and you can't leave unless you have had the chicken fried bacon, fried bubblegum (that's right!!), fried cheesecake, fried banana, and the saltwater taffy (about the only thing that they sell that isn't fried!!)! BTW: There are plenty of other fried foods at the fair, I just don't want to list them all! :P) Speaking of fried, nothing is better than listening to country music, eating chicken fried steak (with extra gravy) and sitting with your family!! I love Texas... (I'm sure you can tell!) :) Sure, we can email... :) My email address is in my top comment up there... :) Cool! I'll follow you too! I have enjoyed writing to you! :)

    9. Great! I'll just check with my parents about the email thing, to make sure they're ok with it, as I try to get them to decide these things. I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Texas, and it sounds SO cool! And I SO love Country music too, and the fried bubblegum sounds interesting to. (I'm one of those people who likes to try new things!) Now after what you've told me I'm just bursting to go! I actually had a look at some prices for flying up your way in 3rd class, and believe me, I almost fainted! I'ver got a bit of saving up to do!
      By the way, may I be as nosy as to ask how old you are? (Please, if this is something that you would prefer not to have on the internet, then please just let me know, and I'll stop being so nosy!) For a start, I'm a month off being 14.
      Cool, talk soon.

    10. I checked with my parents, and they're not too cool about the idea of my emailing someone on the opposite side of the world, so I was thinking if we just folllowed each others blogs, and occasoinally commented that would be better. SOrry about all the spelling mistakes!

  3. Yeah.... same with the age thing... :) I'm fine with just commenting! :)

    1. Great. I'll send you an invite around mid next month, when I start my blog. Btw, what do you think of the name

      Dots and Spots
      small pieces of my life

      That's the only one I could think of that I liked.

    2. Cool. That's what it'll be then.

  4. Oh my goodness.. these two are TOO cute! :)


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