My name is Becca and I have been a Christian my entire life! I am very interested in photography and enjoy looking at other people's work! I love rain, reading Jane Austin, english country dancing, Taylor Swift, nail polish, friends, a full camera battery, braiding my hair, a warm fire in the fire place, playing with little sisters, converse, swimming, tulips, messy buns, any kind of sugar :P, hot chocolate or tea, a sunset, a sunrise, painting my nails, the Psalms, the beach, my Canon Rebel T3i, Texas (OH YEAH!), flowers, family, peaches, The Avengers, bare feet, open windows, listening to music, a good movie, any kind of animal, daffodils, the 50 mm lens I am hoping to get soon, any superhero movies, country music, pistachios, the smell of fresh baked cookies, and I also really love the opposite of a rainy day too... sunshine! :P Speaking of Jane Austin, my favorite book by her has to be Pride and Prejudice. :)With three siblings, three (sometimes four) dogs, one hedgehog, one chinchilla. and one cat.... it can be a little crazy around here... Have fun looking around!! Please leave a comment! (I LOVE THOSE!) :)