Monday, May 28, 2012

Steaks are on the grill, our summer vacation is being planned, spending tons of time outside... these are the things I love about summer! :) I am learning to look at it a different way this year... normally I am complaining about how sweaty I am or how hot it is... but now I am looking at it as... no school!! I guess that is what high school does to you... :) I have been spending a lot more time with my family lately and staying off the computer. I finally got on the computer for the first time today, tonight... confusing? I have a knack for confusing people... :) I leave you with one more dose of epicocity! Becca out!

(This was a draft from a few days ago, and I forgot to hit "Publish".... :P)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goin' To Town!!

Hey :)
I am going to enter this photo in a different contest... sorry... lol! Pretty cute though right? I have awesome sisters!


Hey Girl!!! :)

I decided to enter this picture of my beautiful friend in a photo contest at I Heart Faces. The theme this month is "Hey Girl". 

Becca :)

Photo Challenge Submission

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey! :)

Sitting outside right now... stupid to take my laptop outside? Maybe... but fun! :)


Your sister's bare feet running past you

The beautiful moon

The wind blowing through the trees

The almost quiet... despite a few cars driving off in the distance...

Lying down and looking up at the 2 stars in the sky! (Lol! There are a few more than that...)


Hitting your head on the concrete... if you are wondering... I speak from experience...

The wind blowing the hair into my face

The fear of spiders running around in the grass... Yeah... scary right?

The sound of annoying planes overhead...

City lights! :(

Not enough stars! :(

Oh well... it is still fun! :) Great... there's a car alarm going off... sigh... living in the country is my dream... well... night!
